Thursday, March 02, 2006

JIMM 37 - NanaCast 3

direct link to show (mp3, 42:45, 29.3 MB)
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Thanks for hanging in there with me, folks. Last week was really rough, and I needed to rest my back. This week is the third installment of a NanaCast, and Keisha was really into it; sometimes very much so.

I will be drawing the winner of the signed Brother Love CD "Album of the Year" on next week's show, so please send in your contest submissions!

Identify, in order, the movies that the clips in the opening theme come from. Send me an e-mail to danimal0416 at gmail, with the word "contest" in the subject line. Also include how you found out about the contest and how you listen to the podcast (subscribe, PuPu, direct download, etc.)
A special thank you to all the artists for letting me showcase their music. Please - if you like what you've heard, click the links to the artists and let them know you heard their music on this podcast.

Special thanks also go out to Charles Hodgson for letting me use his podictionary entries; as well as to Tim and JD from Police on the Scene.

Thanks also to Ed from Ed's Mixed Bag for the clip about subscribing to the feed for this podcast. Thanks to the 501c3 cast for letting me play their promo.

Here's the breakdown of the show:
INTVW SGMNT: "Greetings"
PODSAFE(bkgd): "Pocketbook" - Derek K. Miller

PODSAFE: "Hope in My History" - Friction Bailey

PROMO: "Happy Tax Season" - 501c3 Cast

INTVW SGMNT: "Favorite Toy"
PODSAFE (bkgd): "Cold Cloth and an Ice Pack" - Derek K. Miller

PODSAFE: "Fly, fly, fly" - Adrina Thorpe

AUDIO CLIP: "bye-bye" - Podictionary

PSA: "Listener Hotline" - (206) 666-JIMM (5466)

INTVW SGMNT: "Favorite Games, pt 1"
PODSAFE (bkgd): "Movin' In The Right Direction" - Tracy Jane Comer

PODSAFE: "I Know You're There" - Matthew Ebel

AUDIO CLIP: "Top 10 Signs You're Dealing with a Dumb Criminal" - Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean

INTVW SGMNT: "Favorite Games, pt 2"
PODSAFE (bkgd): "Fresh Snow" - Derek K. Miller

PSA: Ed's Mixed Bag - subscribe to Journey Inside My Mind via the XML link

INTVW SGMNT: "Closing Remarks"
PODSAFE (bkgd): "Cloud or Smoke" - Derek K. Miller

OUTRO/WRAP-UP (bkgd): "Movin' in the Right Direction" - Tracy Jane Comer

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