Monday, October 31, 2005

JIMM 16 - The Cheryl Dawson Memorial Walk-a-thon


This post will remain at the top for the duration of October, for Domestic Violence Awareness month - DAJ (originally posted 200510040312)

Mood: contemplative

JIMM 16 (36:01, 32.9 MB) is a soundscape soundseeing podcast taken from audio recorded on Sunday, September 25, 2005. On that day members of the Cincinnati church of Christ, as well as others in the community, participated in the One Voice Cheryl Dawson Memorial Walk-a-thon One Voice Walk to help victims of domestic abuse and raise awareness of domestic violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, so this event was aptly timed:

Cheryl Dawson was stabbed to death outside her workplace in March of 2002 by her estranged husband. She was a member of the Cincinnati church of Christ. (related post from March 2002: "One More Angel in Heaven")

In my research for this podcast, I browsed over to the YWCA Greater Cincinnati website and discovered that they have an Art Gallery, where this month they have a special exhibit going on this month entitled "Empty Chairs, Painful Windows". I mention more about it in the podcast.

Please, if you live in or close to the Cincinnati area, make time to visit this exhibit. The Y is located at the corner of Walnut and 9th Streets, across from the public library, in downtown Cincinnati. This past Saturday my wife, my daughter, and I visited the gallery ourselves. It was truly a moving experience.

Thanks go out to everyone who lent their voices to this podcast, including but not limited to, Brad, Mike, Jay, Tom, Betsy, my Mom, and many others.

Songs played:

  1. "Meant to Be" - Rob Costlow
  2. "I Do" - Rob Costlow
  3. "Glory, Glory" - Cincinnati church of Christ congregation
  4. "Family" - Rob Costlow
  5. "How I Got Over" - Cincinnati church of Christ choir

  6. "Not Alone" - Rob Costlow
  7. "Did You Think" - Adrina Thorpe
    Read the lyrics to "Did You Think"!
As I've listened to this podcast several times myself over the past few days, I'm struck by how well the music goes with everything you hear from the individual audio clips.

October 7, 2005 update: Thanks to Jon from the Tanfastic podcast for playing the promo for this show!

August 14, 2007 update: Updated the link to the YWCA gallery exhibit "Empty Chairs, Painful Windows"

As always thanks go out to the folks who help make this possible:
  • Audacity, a bit unstable at times, but it gets the job done. Just remember to save early and often!
  • podsafe music network
  • and their partnership with the Internet Archive
  • Anyone else I may have left out
Please call the Listener Hotline (206-666-JIMM), leave me a comment (guidepost), or send me an e-mail to let me know what you think!

Now playing: Aloft Group, Inc. - #58 Podtini for Monday, August 13, 2007
via FoxyTunes

Friday, October 28, 2005

JIMM 20 - BooCast


JIMM 20 - BooCast (13.2 MB, 19:22) is designed to get us in the spirit of Halloween, with music and listener feedback.

After hearing myself speak on this podcast a couple of times, I think I need to state that I hadn't been drinking while recording this; I just stayed up all night to do it. Talk about crazy!

Here's a reminder to update your podcatcher software with the new RSS feed: Actually, if you click on that link, the Browser-Friendly page will tell you more.

Podcasts mentioned

Songs played:

from the Internet Archive in the Public Domain:
Opening music taken from bgyoshi - "ElectricHalloween" (2:25)

Outro:psarahmason - "crosstracks appearance 2"

from the Podsafe Music Network:
Josh Woodward - "Shower Scene"

Vincent van Go-Go - "Girlfight (instrumental)"

the following code snippet is required in order to claim the Odeo feed for this podcast:
My Odeo Channel (odeo/a2cf9ecf8b730973)

there. can I have it now?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

JIMM 19 - Insert Title Here


I couldn't think of a good title for this podcast (mp3 - 34:28, 23.6 MB), so I just settled with something generic. Here are the specifics:

  • Tanfastic Podcast Thanks to Jon from the Tanfastic Podcast, as well as Jennie and Keisha, for the opening shout-outs!
  • Griddle Griddle - "Hit Parade" PMN link
  • Jennie, Keisha, and Jake - Joking Around
  • Jennie - Getting Cable, Finally
  • Brother Love Brother Love - "Push" PMN link
  • The Electric Sky Podcast With Wilma currently threatening the Gulf Coast, I shared a reminder from Mark at Electric Sky to support the Red Cross Hurricane Relief fund. It's been a wild hurricane season, and our help is still needed. Please give what you can - the need is real.
  • The Bombhappies The Bombhappies - "Heidi" PMN link
  • Dan and Keisha - MHS Football game
  • De La Vega De La Vega - "Let it Burn" PMN link
  • Dan and Keisha - When Bad Can Be Good
  • The Audio Collective Podcast Promo for the Audio Collective podcast
  • Audiopharm Background music for audio feedback was Audiopharm - "The Groove (instrumental)" PMN link

A lot of thanks go out to these wonderful artists for sharing their music. Let them know you heard about them on the Journey Inside My Mind podcast! Call the Listener Hotline with your feedback: (206) 666-5466.

PMN = Podsafe Music Network

Thursday, October 13, 2005

JIMM 18 - Cloudy Overcast Hodgepodge


JIMM 18 - Cloudy Overcast Hodgepodge mp3 (34:50, 23.9 MB)was recorded Monday, October 10, 2005, during lunchtime at the Tim Horton's on Miller Lane in the Dayton, Ohio area.

Some highlights:

  1. A new station ID from Keisha!
  2. Theme - by the way, can anyone name all the movies the clips come from?
  3. The Reverse Engineers - "The Same Path"
  4. Audio feedback from the Official Mom and my lovely wife Jennie
  5. What's this "Official" business?
  6. Promo for JIMM 16 - The Cheryl Dawson Memorial Walkathon, as played on the Tanfastic podcast
  7. The post for JIMM 16 will be at the top of the front page for the rest of October, Domestic Violence Awareness month.
  8. Todd Martin - "She Knows" (2nd time on this podcast; 1st time was during "JIMM 4 - Romantic Movements")
  9. Listener Hotline Sweeper (206) 666-JIMM
  10. Audio feedback - I call the Listener Hotline while at a recent high school football game with Keisha - her first football game ever!
  11. Not being used to the cooler weather
  12. What people are reading at the blog
  13. "Rejoice in the Lord Always" - Dan Johnson
  14. Countries where some people are visiting from
  15. Call for e-mails/feedback - let me know where you're listening/visiting from!
  16. bill - "Sound Scientist"

Monday, October 10, 2005

JIMM 17 - Something for the Kids


Mood: playful
Listening to: JIMM 17 - Something for the Kids

In this podcast (20:06, 18.4 MB) I wanted to play some music that Keisha likes. We went to the Podsafe Music Network and picked out some Childrens songs. I wish I had a video camera and was able to capture Keisha's dancing as I played these songs. During the last one, we both were up dancing:

The show was recorded at our dinner table, using the Dell Latitude laptop, a Labtec AM-242 microphone, and Audacity. The show was basically recorded in one shot with just a little bit of post-production processing of our filler between the songs. Oh, and there are a couple of new sweepers/station IDs, too.

By the way, if you want to call in your station ID, shout-out, or promo, call the Listener Hotline: 206-666-JIMM (5466)

Thanks for listening and for subscribing. Enjoy!

Songs played:

  1. "Get Out of Bed" by The Egerton Boyz
    They have their own weekly podcast, called "the Smelly Monkeys podcast:" a show that provides the humor, wisdom, and perspective that only kids can provide.
  2. "Autumn Leaves" by The Egerton Boyz
  3. "Eat Your Vegetables" by The Egerton Boyz
  4. "Thank You" by Smallfish
    The official Smallfish website address:
As always thanks go out to the folks who help make this possible:
  • Audacity, a bit unstable at times, but it gets the job done. Just remember to save early and often!
  • podsafe music network
  • and their partnership with the Internet Archive
  • Anyone else I may have left out
Please call the Listener Hotline (206-666-JIMM), leave me a comment (guidepost), or send me an e-mail to let me know what you think!