JIMM 108 - YOUR New Media Cincinnati
On this episode of the Journey Inside My Mind, I take you to a recent New Media Cincinnati (NMC) meetup where you'll hear from others in the Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Dayton area who are passionate about new and social media.
Direct link (mp3, 56.1 MB, 1:01:16)
Here's a rundown of what you'll hear:
00:01 TEASER
00:33 QUOTE: The Longest Journey
01:00 Journey Inside My Mind Theme
01:57 SONG: The Fire Apes, "Hey Kate"
08:02 Listener Feedback
+ Zach from Twitter likes the music mixed with talk and wants a little more news about new media tools
+ MoShang thanks us for playing "Dragonbeats" on a recent episode and points us to his Creative-Commons licensed album, "Asian Variations"
+ Hotline number problems. Feel free to call +1-513-373-4442 and leave a message. Might reach me directly, but just say you have a comment for the show, and I'll let you leave a message.
+ Email comments, questions, or feedback of any kind: danieljohnsonjr AT gmail DOT com
12:02 NMC - iRiver Intros from everyone at the June 2008 meetup
17:46 NMC - Announcements
+ PodCamp Ohio
+ New Media Cincinnati wiki - sign up and contribute
23:24 PROMO: PodCamp Ohio, June 28, 2008
24:15 NMC - Additional Thoughts (incl announcement from http://GSPN.tv)
31:36 NMC - Your New Media Cincinnati (what do YOU want from the group?)
57:42 SONG: Geoff Smith, "If This Geek Ruled the World"
1:01:17 No iPod Required
1:01:21 Make it a Great Day!
+ Unless otherwise indicated, music comes from the Podsafe Music Network and is used by permission from the artists
+ The Journey Inside My Mind Podcast is a member of the Association of Music Podcasting
+ Follow New Media Cincinnati on Twitter
+ Other Links of Interest:
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