Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Media Cincinnati Meetup, February 2008


At the February 2008 New Media Cincinnati meetup, I passed around my iRiver and asked people to share a little bit about themselves, since there were some new faces. Here are the people mentioned, in order:

1. Daniel Johnson, Jr. (Google danieljohnsonjr: http://www.google.com/search)

2. Chad Garrett (http://chadman.vox.com/)

3. Amybeth Hale (http://amybethhale.com/)

4. Joe Wessels (http://joewessels.net/)

5. Rich Palmer (http://richpalmer.com/)

6. Ben Dition (sp? - let me know and I'll correct it) (http://www.pauseculture.com/)

7. Chris Bergman (http://pauseculture.com/)

8. Randy Weeks (http://netcrafters.com/ , http://weeks.org/, http://cincy.com/)

9. John Buehler (http://10minutelessons.com/)

10.Andy Osier (http://andyosier.com/)

11.Jeremy Laughlin (http://twitter.com/phlegon)

12.Daniel Lewis (http://djosephdesign.com/ , http://theramennoodle.com/)

13.William Farley (http://myspace.com/…liamfarley)

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